Center for Technological Training (CETI)
This program will train in three years 200 beneficiaries from Fundacion Imaginacion as Computer Technicians with the help of SENA (National Service of Learning). They will be taught basic English and will develop a plan of life by forming a group of 50 multipliers. The purpose is to raise their labor output and increase their income, and achieve a measurable impact on the country's social development. To accomplish this, groups of mentors will be created to bring support to the youth as they learn.
There will be three types of multipliers:
1. Enlace Students from EE.UU. and Canada: A group of youth from Fundacion Imaginacion will connect with 3,400 students from schols in the United States. The goal is to teach North American students about the harm of ilicit drugs, to strengthen their Spanish skills, to learn about each other’s cultures and to create frienship links.
2. Digital Literacy: In partnership with Microsoft we will teach vulnerable youth about the Internet and basic computer skills.
3. "Learning with Nana and Nano" Kit: This kit was designed by Foundation and the Child Welfare program. This is aimed at children of early childhood where they will be trained in the basics of English and basic readiness for reading and mathematics in children's software.


This program aims to "rescue the second generation", ie the children of former child soldiers. We hope that the most disadvantaged children in the country and the children of those who were in the war never engage in violence.
We want children up to seven years old to be raised properly, as this is the most crucial period in the formation of the individual. In partnership with SENA, we will train 200 young people as PROFESSIONAL TECHNICIAN IN EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE.
The program is framed within a comprehensive development model that aims at making them productive, caring and engaging people. We want them to live by ethical and moral criteria, to be committed to the respect of human dignity and to cherish the mother-son relationship and a non-violence approcah to life.
From the first group of 30 multipliers, 10 are getting trained with the help of FUNDACOLOMBIA. Each youth will receive $350 mil pesos (roughly $185 USD) for sharing what they learned through the kit SINGING, IMAGINING AND PLAYING, I LEARN WITH NANA & NANO. This kit was designed with the help of the school Colegio Campestre la Colina, SENA and a group of profesionales in the fields of pedagogy and psychology.
Fundacion Imaginacion is building a training center that will be named “Little ones with Imagination” and will be ready in October 2009. Our beneficiaries will be able to take their children (between two and six years old) to the center, which is located in the facilities of SENA. This is a place were the imagination and play will be the basis of stimulation.
Childcare students will be able to do their internship at the center. Also, single mothers and vulnerable members of society may bring their children and get training in the various programs offered by SENA.

The purpose of this program is to provide the necesary tools for our beneficiaries to generate their own income and build their own lives. This program is founded on the principle of promoting economic self-sustainability for each beneficiary. Incentives will be created so the youth use their imagination to master one of these trades: filigree and die postcards, dolls, jewelry, and wood.
Over 300,000 cards and 50,000 frames have been exported to the United States and Canada to this date. This has been made possible through Enable-Usa and Fundacion Imaginacion.
The educational materials for the young scientists program are prepared with the Simens Foundation.
The kit SINGING, IMAGINING AND PLAYING, I LEARN WITH NANA & NANO will promote the work and attention given to early childhood. The kit will be developed by the multipliers in the childcare program.

This program will welcome home youth and children that have demobilized and have said “no to weapons and yes to life.”
Here we will provide the tools for participants to get back their voices and their hands, and present their life project. The purpose is to help them reintagrate into society and become active members by changing their lifestyle and feeling useful for their families and society.
Some of the activities that we organize include: spaces for reflection and reconciliation, principles and values workshops, learning about and loving my country, psychosocial support and educational support and basic needs.